保存成 ctail , 使用 命令 ctail -f xxx.log
#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################### # Author: Radu Cotescu <radu@cotescu.com> # # # # ctail is a small configurable Bash script which can colour log entries # # outputted through tail. It actually wraps tail, piping its output through # # an awk script that colorizes the output according to log severity levels. # ############################################################################### if ! TAIL="$(which tail)"; then echo -e "Cannot find tail executable.\n" exit 1 fi if ! AWK="$(which awk)"; then echo -e "Cannot find awk executable.\n" exit 1 fi awk_opts=() # detect if awk is mawk (which is common on debian based distros) case "$(realpath "$AWK")" in */mawk) awk_opts+=(-W interactive) ;; esac declare -A log log["INFO"]="BWhite" log["信息"]="BWhite" log["ERROR"]="BRed" log["严重"]="BRed" log["WARN"]="BYellow" log["警告"]="BYellow" log["DEBUG"]="BGreen" # log["INFO"]="BWhite" # log["ERROR"]="BRed" # log["WARN"]="BYellow" # log["DEBUG"]="BGreen" # keep original behaviour; hide lines that does not match any of the pattern : "${print_lines_not_matched:=1}" # keeping the original behaviour; load config from the ctail script's directory CWD="$(dirname "$0")" if [[ -f "$CWD/ctail.config" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$CWD/ctail.config" fi # if there is a config in $HOME, load that if [[ -f "$HOME/ctail.config" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$HOME/ctail.config" fi # if there is a config in current directory, load that too if [[ -f "./ctail.config" ]]; then source "./ctail.config" fi declare -A colours # Regular colours["Black"]="\033[0;30m" colours["Red"]="\033[0;31m" colours["Green"]="\033[0;32m" colours["Yellow"]="\033[0;33m" colours["Blue"]="\033[0;34m" colours["Purple"]="\033[0;35m" colours["Cyan"]="\033[0;36m" colours["White"]="\033[0;37m" #Bold colours["BBlack"]="\033[1;30m" colours["BRed"]="\033[1;31m" colours["BGreen"]="\033[1;32m" colours["BYellow"]="\033[1;33m" colours["BBlue"]="\033[1;34m" colours["BPurple"]="\033[1;35m" colours["BCyan"]="\033[1;36m" colours["BWhite"]="\033[1;37m" # High Intensity colours["IBlack"]="\033[0;90m" colours["IRed"]="\033[0;91m" colours["IGreen"]="\033[0;92m" colours["IYellow"]="\033[0;93m" colours["IBlue"]="\033[0;94m" colours["IPurple"]="\033[0;95m" colours["ICyan"]="\033[0;96m" colours["IWhite"]="\033[0;97m" # Bold High Intensity colours["BIBlack"]="\033[1;90m" colours["BIRed"]="\033[1;91m" colours["BIGreen"]="\033[1;92m" colours["BIYellow"]="\033[1;93m" colours["BIBlue"]="\033[1;94m" colours["BIPurple"]="\033[1;95m" colours["BICyan"]="\033[1;96m" colours["BIWhite"]="\033[1;97m" awk_script() { for i in "${!log[@]}"; do echo "/$i/ {print \"${colours[${log[$i]}]}\" \$0 \"\033[39m\"; next;}" done if [[ "$print_lines_not_matched" == "1" ]]; then # let us not miss anything that did not match any of the above colourisation rules # shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo "{print \"${colours["Yellow"]}\" \$0 \"\033[39m\"}" # echo '{print $0}' fi } if [ -t 0 ]; then $AWK "${awk_opts[@]}" -f <(awk_script) < <($TAIL "$@") else $AWK "${awk_opts[@]}" -f <(awk_script) fi